Embed using Share

You may notice a Share icon displayed on social media content. Sharing is another way of embedding third-party content on your site.

This example uses a YouTube video:

screenshot YouTube video showing the Share option
  • Pause the video at the point you want to start it on your site
  • Select Share and check the box for Start at, if required
screenshot YouTube select embed Share option and start time
  •  Choose Embed:
screenshot YouTube copy embed video script
  • Select Enable privacy-enhanced mode. This means cookies won't be set unless Play is selected
  • Copy the script
  • Add a WYSIWYG and paste the copied script into Source:
screenshot of embed script pasted into Source on Edit widget

 You will see the iFrame in the non-Source view:

screenshot of iFrame in Edit widget view
  • Save a draft and check the embedded content is working as expected. 

This is how it displays on the draft page:

screenshot of YouTube embedded video on published page using Share embed option