Google Analytics withdrew Universal Analytics on 1 July 2023 which means we can no longer use traffic data as a charging metric. You can find out more about this on our article announcing the Google Analytics change.
We'd like Site Owners to see how this change affects the billing information table before we arrange recharges for 2023-24.
What's changed?
The billing information page at Site Settings > Site Details > View your current usage and tier level has been updated to show monthly snapshots. This has been applied to the whole table, which was previously grouped in quarters.
Historical data for page requests has been preserved.
The billing table remains colour-coded so you can see when you are approaching the current tier’s limit.
Email alerts will automatically be sent when a site goes into exception. This will be calculated on a monthly basis rather than quarterly. This is to help Site Owners take prompt action before the end of June.
What is the new charging cycle?
From 1 August 2023, charging will be based on total disk space and total number of pages. With the removal of traffic data, there is no need for us to look at usage figures for the last financial quarter of a year to determine a site's charging tier for the next financial year. Instead, we will base calculations on July's data only. Details about charging can be found on Pricing | Oxford Mosaic.
Billing for 2023-24 will take place in Hilary Term.
What's next?
We're updating Mosaic documentation, FAQs and the cost model page to reflect these changes.
If you have any remaining questions about the changes to the charging and billing process, please contact us.